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All about Lions, Eagles, and Bears

Bob and Polly have a homestead and tree farm in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains where they raise a small herd of British White beef cattle, laying hens, Cheviot sheep, and Jersey/Friesian dairy cattle.

Bob is a Resources / Agriculture teacher, graduating from The Ohio State University, with more than 50 years of experience. Bob's Natural Resources program was the first in the nation to teach high school students aquaculture and gas and oil production, as well as forestry, pond management, wildlife management, agricultural finances and much more. He decided to retire when the grandsons of his first students were enrolled in his classes.

Polly is a retired RN who loves homesteading, farming, and her large family. They have large, raised bed gardens and she cans or freezes during the Summer and Fall. She is a Master Gardener Apprentice and is working on her 50 hours of volunteer time to become a full MGV.

You can find Bob cutting firewood or mowing the grass. Polly is usually in the kitchen unwrapping popsicles for the grandkids.

The name of our blog comes from the Mountain Lions, Bald Eagles, and Black Bears we have on our farm.

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