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Prepping? Nope. Building an Ark.




I’ve been a ‘prepper’ for a long time.


You could say it’s my hobby.


I read about it, watch videos by other preppers, follow the news closely and try to stay a step ahead of current events.


Sometimes we share with our kids if we think something warrants close watching - like the recent solar flares – but usually Bob and I just ‘war game’ possible impacts and outcomes that worst-case scenarios would have on us. It’s good practice and over time has honed our decision-making abilities.


It also lets us identify weaknesses and holes in our preps and skills.


For example, when the sun was popping off her solar flares, we checked out our battery supply (we needed more AA’s), topped off the countertop water supply, bought some fresh chlorine bleach, made sure the tractors were full of diesel fuel, and so forth.


The Russian/Ukraine war has given us plenty of things to talk about. Here are a few:

-        Higher food prices, including grains and flours

-        Unstable supply chain because of cargo ship disruption

-        Terrorist attacks on US soil

-        Nuclear War


We look at how we would be personally affected by each crisis and what we have/need to minimize impact.

We also look realistically at our actual risk from such an event. For example, the chances of us being physically involved in a terrorist attack are pretty slim, but the economic fallout would hit us.


Gaping holes quickly become obvious.


These conversations are held around the campfire while having a glass of wine. It’s a relaxed brainstorming session. The next morning, we can do some research online and determine if we need to purchase anything.


Usually, I wonder, “Why didn’t we think of THIS sooner?”




Recently I read an advertisement for a homesteading/prepping book and something the author had written really struck me:

“You are building an ark.”


I’m not Prepping.


I’m Building an Ark!


For Bob and me.

For our kids and their families.

For our community.


That’s a real philosophy shift.


‘So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.’  Genesis 6:13-14


Then the LORD gave him very specific instructions about the building of the ark, including materials, dimensions, how to waterproof it, and more.


‘…… Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.’ Genesis 7:23


Noah only had what was in that boat to sustain him, his family, and all those animals.

If he didn’t pack it, he didn’t have it.

The blacksmith was dead.

The baker was dead.

His doctor was dead.

His crazy neighbor with the big garden was dead.

They were in that boat for at least 2 years.

(Not the 40 days most folks think. That’s just how long it rained.)


It had NEVER rained before this day, either.

Noah was preparing for something that had never occurred.


We are creating a place of safety and refuge for our family.

A place to weather the storm.

We are learning how to live more closely to the land, growing and preserving food, heating our home, caring for the animals. We are gathering tools that will sustain us in our ark.


We are also helping our community by bringing together folks who grow food, raise bees, forage and preserve the harvest. We set up a small farm stand this year and are very excited that our neighbors are getting involved, too.


We are building our ark.


What are YOU doing to build your ark?

Because you need to build your own.

For you and your family.


My ark will be full and the door closed.



Here are some things you need to include in your ark:


-        Food

o   Immediate and long term

-        Shelter

o   This includes clothing

-        Water

o   Storage and purification

-        Security

o   Big badda-boom

-        Medical

o   Prescriptions/alternatives

o   First aid

o   Wilderness medicine

-        Community

o   Who are your neighbors

o   How can they become part of your ark

o   Does your community have a safety plan?


I'm sure Noah had his hammer and nails, some extra boards, and more pitch in case the boat started leaking.

You can bet Mrs. Noah had a small, workable kitchen and food storage area on that ark.

I’ll bet she brought needle and thread, maternity care items for her daughters-in-law, whatever toilet paper equivalent they used back then, salves and herbs, some wine, chocolate and board games.

And coffee.  


Get started on your ark today.

It’s going to rain.











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